Archives: State Legislation
New Legislation – Or the Less Things Change
Published: Wednesday, May 16th, 2018
Three new laws affect family law matters regarding child removal procedures, deposition restrictions, and “Sara’s Law.”
Wisconsin Family Law Case Finder
Published: Friday, February 23rd, 2018
On March 1, 2018, Loeb & Herman will debut Wisconsin Family Law Case Finder, a subscription based legal research service specifically designed for family law attorneys.
Proposed Legislation on Removal of Children
Published: Wednesday, November 15th, 2017
New legislation targets procedural problems in applying the child removal law in divorce and paternity cases.
Pets, Domestic Violence, and Act 253
Published: Monday, March 21st, 2016
Every divorce lawyer has seen it – a domestic violence perpetrator who abuses the family pet as a way to inflict pain on a spouse or other family member. Act 253, while not a cure-all, offers protections for victims’ pets through DV orders.
Constitutional Amendment Needed for Picking Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice
Published: Monday, April 6th, 2015
An amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution regarding the method of determining the chief justice of the court.
Lawyers in Legislature
Published: Monday, November 10th, 2014
So while people can be angry at lawyers for a number of things (see my posts of lawyer discipline), state statutes are not in that category. There will be a record low number of lawyers in the new legislature.
Same Sex Marriage Now Legal – At Least For Now…
Published: Saturday, June 7th, 2014
I do believe that at some point, same-sex marriages will be recognized everywhere but Judge Crabb’s ruling is going to be reviewed and could be overturned.
Reviewing OLR
Published: Friday, June 6th, 2014
The problem is that our disciplinary system is a joke. Yes, a review is needed. Please make it a serious one.
Joint Legal Custody
Published: Thursday, February 27th, 2014
It is NOT really joint custody – it is severable custody. In other words the statute does not require the parties to act jointly, but specifically authorizes them to act separately.
Mandatory Joint Custody (Or Placement)
Published: Wednesday, February 26th, 2014
In Wisconsin, at least, “legal custody” involves only decision making about six areas, few of which are ever in dispute. The determination of where the children live is called “physical placement.” In most cases, that is the battlefield.