Archives: Placement

Linkage Between Child Placement and Child Support Needs Clarification

Published: Wednesday, May 9th, 2001

Among the most difficult issues in family law is the interplay between the amount of time children spend with each parent and child support. No doubt, the more time a parent has the children, the higher the cost. Yet, where is the “breaking point” where additional time should result in a change in the child support?

Third Party Visitation in Wisconsin

Published: Thursday, March 1st, 2001

Wisconsin law is a mixture of different standing requirements and standards for grandparent visitation and other third-party intervention. Thus, some of these statutes are vulnerable to constitutional attack in light of the U.S. Supreme Court decision.

Custody and Placement Revisions Still Soaking In

Published: Wednesday, November 29th, 2000

So, one year later, what has been the effect of the state’s massive revisions in custody and placement laws?

Removal After Kerkvliet

Published: Saturday, April 1st, 2000

Removal law has been gradually changing over the years, in an continuing effort to balance the rights of one parent to move and the other parent to have a continuing relationship with the children.

Guardians ad Litem Essential in Family Court

Published: Thursday, April 29th, 1999

The importance of the GAL’s role in family court cannot be overstated. The court, knowing that the GAL is entrusted to do an appropriate investigation, relies heavily on the GAL’s recommendation.

Hughes v. Hughes

Published: Sunday, March 1st, 1998

Wisconsin law has changed several times in the past several years regarding the balance between allowing one parent freedom to relocate and the need for children to have two involved parents. Recently, a court of appeals case, Hughes v. Hughes, 223 Wis. 2d 111 (Wis. App. 1998), appears to have moved the pendulum once again.

Parental Alienation

Published: Thursday, January 1st, 1998

Two very recent cases decided simultaneously by the Vermont Supreme Court squarely addressed the issue of parental alienation, each with quite different results.