Archives: Federal Legislation
Wisconsin Family Law Case Finder
Published: Friday, February 23rd, 2018
On March 1, 2018, Loeb & Herman will debut Wisconsin Family Law Case Finder, a subscription based legal research service specifically designed for family law attorneys.
No Tax Deductions for Maintenance
Published: Friday, January 19th, 2018
There are many unknowns about who will benefit from the new tax bill just passed by Congress. What it does for sure is hurt individuals getting divorced in maintenance situations.
Medical Malpractice
Published: Monday, June 30th, 2014
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s latest attack on the legal system is decrying that there are not more medical malpractice lawsuits.
Child Support and the Law of Diminishing Returns
Published: Friday, January 2nd, 1998
For years now, the legislature has been preoccupied with passing laws to effectively collect child support. These laws have done quite a bit of good and in some cases have been remarkably effective. Yet, in light of the most recent legislation, the question must be asked whether there is a point of diminishing returns.