Family Law Update for March 2020
In this Issue …
A Word from Gregg Herman
Upcoming Seminars
Wisconsin Courts Updates
Hague Convention Case
Thoughts on Family Law Video
Top 5 Reasons Why Mediation is Better than Divorce Litigation
Legislative Update
Paternity via DNA testing
Mediation and Settlement Online
Podcast:The Divorce Mediation Movement, Getting Your Spouse to Agree to Mediation and 5 Mediation Strategies for a Succesful Divorce Agreement
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A Word from Gregg Herman …
Divorce Cooperation Institute Annual Seminar
Reserve Friday, September 25, 2020 for the annual (or almost annual) Divorce Cooperation Institute seminar in Delafield, Wisconsin. This year’s tentative topic: “The Movie ‘A Marriage Story’ in Real Life”.
This should be a fun seminar discussing how some of the scenes in the film reflect actual life. It is anticipated that there will be EPR credit for the seminar. More information will follow.
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44th Annual WIPCOD Seminar
The 44th annual Wisconsin Inter-Professional Committee on Divorce (WIPCOD) Spring Conference will be held at the Kalahari Resort and Conference Center, located in the Wisconsin Dells, on Thursday, April 23 and Friday, April 24, 2020.
The speakers will be: Kathleen McNamara, PhD and William (“Bill”) Eddy, L.C.S.W., J.D.
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Wisconsin Courts Update
Editor’s Note: The following case is not recommended for publication, but may be cited for its persuasive value under Wis. Stat. 809.23(3).
While there were no Wisconsin case this month (so what else is new?), the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in Monasky v. Taglieri on February 25, 2020, which addressed the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.
The High Court affirmed a Court of Appeals decision ordering a child to be returned to Italy, where she was born, as it was her “habitual residence” under the Hague Act. The court held that “a child habitual residence depends on the totality of circumstances specific to the case. An actual agreement between the parents is not necessary to establish an infant’s habitual residence”.
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Thoughts on Family Law
This month, I discuss the 5 reasons why mediation is a better choice than divorce litigation.
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Legislative Update
Establishing Paternity of a Non-marital Child
A newly passed Wisconsin bill (2019 Senate Bill 158 (SB158) creates a new presumption of paternity in Wisconsin through genetic testing.
In her blog for the Wisconsin State Bar Family Law Section, Attorney Donna Ginzl from Stevens Point explains how the new law changes paternity determination in the state.
Mediation & Settlement Online
The following articles are provided as informational resources for our subscribers. If you would like to submit a link for consideration, please contact Atty. Gregg Herman by using this form.
PODCAST: The Divorce Mediation Movement
“Attorney Kelly Chang Rickert discuss the pros and cons of mediation over litigation in divorce proceedings, and the impact on the couple going forward.” (Legal News Network)
How to Get Your Spouse to Agree to Mediation
“One of the initial challenges in mediation that you may face is getting your spouse on board to give it a try. When your marriage is ending, and both of you are going your separate ways, it can be hard to be on the same page about anything, much less mediation. Use the following tips to help you ask (and convince) your spouse to mediate the divorce.” (
5 Mediation Strategies for a Successful Divorce Agreement
“The decisions made in mediation can significantly impact your life for years to come. With that in mind, it can be easy to become overwhelmed during the session if you are not adequately prepared.” (