Archive: May 2001
Pre-divorce Marital Pacts are Still Perplexing
Published: Wednesday, May 16th, 2001
Imagine calling to the witness stand the paramour of your client’s estranged spouse, in an attempt to prove that the spouse entered into a marital property agreement with a divorce in mind.
Linkage Between Child Placement and Child Support Needs Clarification
Published: Wednesday, May 9th, 2001
Among the most difficult issues in family law is the interplay between the amount of time children spend with each parent and child support. No doubt, the more time a parent has the children, the higher the cost. Yet, where is the “breaking point” where additional time should result in a change in the child support?
Frequent Filers Cause Real Problems
Published: Wednesday, May 2nd, 2001
Frivolous actions seem to occur more frequently in family court than in most other areas of law.